Kobo Toolbox is the ultimate solution for those who value accuracy in data collection, analysis, and management, particularly in the development sector, research, and monitoring & evaluation. Mastering this tool and this KoboToolbox Training is not just a task; it guarantees precision and ensures the adoption of intelligent and accurate methods during data collection, ultimately minimizing errors during data analysis. This training will help you save time and make more secure, precise decisions.

Moreover, Kobo Toolbox enables you to effectively manage large-scale data collection, making it essential for development projects, surveys, and research. In this training course, we will explore the key features of the Kobo Toolbox in an accessible and relevant way to assist you in applying it quickly in your work.

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KoboToolbox training

Training Objectives:

  • Gain fundamental knowledge of using the KoboToolbox.
  • Manage both online and offline data collection processes.
  • Learn important strategies for form design and data analysis.
  • Effective data management for research, monitoring, and evaluation.

Training Content:

1. Introduction and Setup:

  • Overview of KoboToolbox and its applications.
  • Account creation and login process.

2. Form Design:

  • Creating and customizing questions.
  • Introduction to the server form builder and implementing logic.
  • Techniques for creating advanced forms [xlsForm].
  • Analysis and guidelines for all question types.
  • Applying advanced logic [Relevant, Constraint, GPS, MAP, Calculate, File, Background Audio, appearance, trigger, choice_filter, parameters, repeat_count, image, audio, video, and META DATA analysis].
  • Setting up variables and logical conditions.

3. Data Collection Methods:

  • Data collection via mobile devices and web browsers.
  • Working in both online and offline modes.
  • Real-time data monitoring process.

4. Data Management and Analysis:

  • Data export and import.
  • Generating reports from collected data in Kobo Toolbox.

5. Advanced Tips & Tricks:

  • Solutions to common issues.
  • Data security and backup.

Who Should Attend the Training?

  • NGO/INGO staff involved in field data collection.
  • Students and researchers managing research projects.
  • Professionals in monitoring and evaluation.
  • Anyone interested in gaining data management skills.

Training Benefits:

  • Hands-on learning experience.
  • Easy-to-understand guidance through real-world examples.
  • Special guidelines for working with Kobo Toolbox.
  • Learning through real-time projects.
  • Ongoing support for future professional work with Kobo Toolbox.

Training Duration & Location:

  • Duration: 7 days (3 hours per day).
  • Location: Online (Google Meet/Zoom meeting).

Training Fee:

  • 7,000 BDT (Special consideration for students).
  • One-time payment required.

Registration Process:

  • Click here to fill out the form – Click here to register!
  • After the form submission, you will be contacted. Once the fee is paid, the training schedule will be confirmed.

For Inquiries:

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